Rapex 2019 42 Rope Wrench Kit ISC

Alert number: A11/0062/19

Product:  Rope Wrench Kit

Name: Singing Tree Rope Wrench

Batch number / Barcode:  Unknown

Type of alert: Other

Category: Protective equipment

Brand: ISC

Type / number of model:  RP280XX+RT270C1, RP280XX+RT270B1

Risk type: Injuries
The personal fall protection equipment has not been tested according to its intended use. The scope of the applied harmonised standards does not cover essential aspects of the system’s scope. Furthermore, the instructions for use are incomplete.
This may lead to an increased risk of malfunction of the product, potentially leading to an accident.

The product does not comply with the Personal Protective Equipment Regulation.


Measures taken by economic operators: Ban on the marketing of the product and any accompanying measures (By: Manufacturer)
Measures ordered by public authorities (to: Other): Ban on the marketing of the product and any accompanying measures


Description:  Guided type fall arrester for climbing and abseiling on a single rope. The product is made of aluminium with rope and rounded edges and is equipped with a quick-pin.

Country of origin: United Kingdom

Alert submitted by: Germany