Rapex 2020 13 Work gloves Handy Silver Strong

Alert number: A12/00472/20

Product:  Work gloves

Name: Silver Strong

Barcode:  Unknown
Batch number:  Unknown

Type of alert: Serious

Category: Protective equipment

Brand: Handy

Type / number of model:  Art. 908751

Counterfeit: UNKNOWN

Risk type: Chemical
The product contains nitrobenzene. Nitrobenzene is readily absorbed though skin, is haematotoxic, can damage the testicles and spermatogenesis, and might cause cancer when inhaled or in contact with the skin. / The product does not comply with relevant national legislation.


Measures ordered by public authorities (to: Importer): Import rejected at border


Description:  Work gloves made of white leather and grey textile material with dark blue edges on the wrist.

Packaging description: 

Country of origin: Pakistan

Alert submitted by: Finland